Cloning charges from a prior day can be a time saver, versus entering a patient's charges one by one across multiple dates of service. Here's how to clone charges.
If you've entered a patient's charges on a prior date of service and intend to enter similar charges on another day, cloning charges can be a time saver. Here's how to clone a patient's charges to another date of service.
Find the Patient
- From the census, find the patient whose charges you'd like to clone. In this example, we'll clone Remy Hadley's charges.
View the Encounter
- Tap on the patient to view the encounter, ensure you are viewing the encounter date of service you will be cloning the charge to, then tap the pages in the bottom left corner.
Select a Clone Option
- Two clone options appear:
- From Prior Day: clone charges from prior date of service
- From Summary: view all charges during the patient stay and select a date to clone
- Clone From Summary view:
- Once a charge is cloned, a green confirmation will confirm you've cloned the charge.
Tip: If you need to change the CPT but keep your diagnoses, try cloning charges and editing the CPT with the orange pencil button.