Census Navigation

The census provides the ability to see a group’s active patient list: who is assigned to a patient, which patients have missing charges versus charges entered, flags, and more. 

  • You will find the Census via Menu > Census

Census (Collapsed)

Action Key

1. Assignments5. Wrench/Action (manage flags, link patient to message)
2. Expanded Census6. Provider Assignment
3. Census Search7. Calendar
4. Census Filters8. Export to Excel

Color Key

GreenCharge entered
RedMissing charge
OrangeNot seen
PurpleRequires edit; charges held

Census (Expanded)

Action Key

1. Assignments5. Wrench/Action (manage flags, link patient to message)
2. Expanded Census6. Provider Assignment
3. Census Search7. Calendar
4. Census Filters8. Export to Excel

Census Assignments

To assign providers to patients, click the check box located left of the census search, then select patients. After one or more patients are selected, pick one of the following actions: 

Action Key

Assign To: copy prior day assignments or assign patients to a provider via a drop-down list 
Ignore Missing Charges: this will excuse missing charges for the selected patients on your active day of service 
Set Not Managed After: this will remove all checked patients from the census after the selected date 

Tip 1: To select all patients, click Select All (left of date)

Tip 2: To close census assignments, click the X  icon on the actions menu

Census Search

  • Census Search provides the ability to search for patients on your active group’s census. Your active group will be shown in the top header.  

Search All Patients

  • To search all patients/visits for a location, click the Magnifying Glass located in the top header. This search option will look for patients assigned to your group and any historical visits at a given location. 
  • After selecting the magnifying glass, a search window will appear asking for the patient’s information. Note: if the patient’s admit date was greater than two weeks ago, be sure the admit date is filled in. 

  • If a normal census search does not yield results, select the Continue Searching option. This will present the option to search for all patients. 

  • If the continue searching option yields no results, an Advanced Search will broaden the search criteria to find the patient. 

Census Filters

Census filters provider the ability to change what information is displayed on the census. The census can be filtered or sorted using one or more of the following actions: 

Action Key

  • Locations: To add, remove, or multi-select locations
  • Assigned To: View assigned patients, unassigned patients, patients assigned to a provider, and more. Note: selecting Disregard will show all patients
  • Payor GroupsFilter the census base on payor group(s)
  • Units: Filter by facility unit
  • Has Flag: Filter the census based on a type of flag(s)
  • Sort BySort patients on the census by Admit Date, Last Consult Time, Name, Payor, Room/Bed, or Unit
  • Order Direction: Change the census direction from Ascending to Descending (or vice versa)
  • Name Display: Display names by last/first name or first/last name
  • Room/Account/MRN Display: Show the patient’s room, account, or MRN on the census