Manual Flags

An Admin level user has access to create census flags Charge Capture by MDTech web portal. Flags are custom visual designations to be placed on census patients to facilitate care. 

Census Flags

Create a Flag

  1. Navigate to settings via Menu > Administration
  2. Within the Administration drop down, select Flags
  3. Create a new flag by completing the form at the top and selecting Save Manual Flag
    1. Existing flags are listed below the new flag form. Select the pencil button to edit existing flags

Action Key

OwnerDefines whether the flag can be added systemwide, or only by specific groups.
LabelName of the flag
Short Text LabelThe text displayed within the flag on the census or encounter views
ColorColor of the flag
Attaches ToEncounter: the flag will persist across all dates of service for the stay
Encounter Day: the flag is specific to the date of service
RemovableDetermines if the flag can be removed at all
Removable By OwnerDetermines if other users within the owning system/group (aside from the flag creator) can remove the flag.

Add a Flag to a Census Patient

  1. Navigate to the census
  2. Select the Wrench icon on the patient
  3. Select Manage Flags
  4. Add or remove flags as needed