Message Folders

An admin level user may have access to create and modify message folders. Message folders represent on-call schedules and are a method to route messages to a specific user if the intended recipient is unknown.

Creating a Message Folder

  1. Navigate via Menu > Administration > Messages > Message Folders
  2. Select Add Folder, this will populate the Create Folder settings
  3. Fill out the required information and click Create

Name & Category Settings

Folder NameName of the folder
Short Folder NameFolder display name with limited screen space
Phonetic Folder NameHow the folder name is pronounced
Folder CategoryFolder Category; method to organize folders

Folder Type Settings

Folder TypeAlerted: messages sent to this folder will generate an urgent message to the on-call user or default folder assignment
Assigned: messages sent to this folder will generate a regular chat message to the on-call user or default folder assignment
Claimed: messages sent to this folder will populate in a queue for users to pick from. No users are alerted and on-call schedules are not used
Is Messageable?Determines if the folder can be messaged by users

Priority Settings

Work SLAPromised response time to message sent to this folder
Work ScheduleDuring Clinic Hours: messages sent to this folder will notify recipients during clinic hours, represented by a clinic schedule
Critical: messages sent to this folder will notify recipients at any time of day
During Business Hours: messages sent to this folder will notify recipients during business hours
Folder PriorityNormal: represents standard communications
Interruption: represents critical communications

Escalation Settings

Attempts Before EscalatingThe amount of times the original recipient should be alerted if an urgent message is unacknowledged
Attempts Per DeviceThe amount of times each user escalation device is contacted if an urgent message is unacknowledged. References User Profile > Devices
Minutes Between AttemptsMinutes between alert attempts
Escalation Alert UsersDefines who is notified of an unacknowledged message once Attempts Before Escalating is met
Escalation Minute ThresholdHow many minutes until escalation notices are sent
Escalation Minute IntervalHow often, in minutes, the Escalation Alert Users are contacted

Default Assignment Setting

Default Folder Assignments
Determines which user is contacted if there is not an on-call assignment

Folder Categories

Folder categories help to organize folder view. These are parent folders to message folders. They are a visual tool and do not affect the functionality of folders within.